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You Want to Be a Scrum Master

You Want to Be a Scrum Master

Scrum is the most popular agile framework today for rapid product development. Yet even today, over 30 years after the scrum framework was created, the demand for competent and skilled Scrum Masters outstrip supply. Do you have what it takes to become a...

Exploratory Data Analysis is an Art

Exploratory Data Analysis is an Art

In the realm of data science and analytics, exploratory data analysis (EDA) guides us through the uncharted territories of raw data. It is a powerful technique that unveils hidden patterns, relationships, and anomalies within datasets, serving as the foundation for...

Scrum Versus Waterfall for Product Development

Scrum Versus Waterfall for Product Development

In this post - Agile Scrum versus Waterfall, I compare managing a software development project with the traditional waterfall approach and to managing the same software development using the agile/scrum framework. Waterfall Project...

Scrum Process Flow

Scrum Process Flow

The Scrum process, a cornerstone of agile methodology, revolutionises the way teams approach complex projects, fostering collaboration, flexibility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The scrum process starts when the product owner creates the product backlog,...

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You really don't know what you don't know! What readers are saying: “This is everything my team and I had to learn in three years about SaaS security, condensed into a single document.” With limited visibility into their SaaS environments, many IT professionals are...

Project Manager Job Description

Project Manager Job Description

So what do project managers do all day? A very perplexing question I have asked myself many times at the end of an exhausting day, especially those days that go so fast and I can't really see any real output. Do you have days like that? Here's a couple of videos that...

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