Scrum Process Flow

The Scrum process, a cornerstone of agile methodology, revolutionises the way teams approach complex projects, fostering collaboration, flexibility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

The scrum process starts when the product owner creates the product backlog, that is a list of all the features and functions and requirements that might be needed in the final product of the project.

The scrum team get together in a sprint planning meeting and decide what items in the product backlog they can work on and complete during the next time period.

This list of Product Backlog Items is frozen in a Sprint Backlog

The development team immediately set to work completing the items in the sprint backlog in a set time frame called a sprint.

Every day during the sprint the development team and the scrum master meet in a short 15 minute stand up meeting, called the daily scrum, to discuss their individual progress, and plan for the work to be completed in the next 24 hours

Towards the end of the sprint, the development team demonstrate the output of the work they’ve done up to now.

And all the while the product owner supported by the scrum master reviews the latest product increment and the potential business value and refine the product backlog in preparation for the next iteration or sprint.

And the process begins again

So there you have it a typical scrum process that’s iterative, cyclical and empirical.

And to remind ourselves on that:

Scrum Process is Iterative

Iteration is a series of repetitive cycles. In Scrum it allows the team to break down the whole product backlog into manageable groups of tasks that they agree can be completed within the Sprint timeframe.

Iteration in Scrum allows for continuous and timely feedback. This constant feedback loop makes sure that the product is evolving according to the end users changing requirements and market trends.

Iteration in Scrum allows for continuous improvement. The retrospective held at the end of each sprint gives the team the opportunity to improve work processes, team communication and overall efficiency.

Iteration in the Scrum Process allows for adaptability, responsiveness and excellence allowing scrum teams to manage themselves with minimal intervention of the Scrum Master.

Scrum Process is Cyclical

Each sprint is a cycle of planning, executing and delivering a potentially shippable increment of the product.
This repetitive cycle of:

  • Sprint planning
  • Daily scrums
  • Sprint reviews
  • Sprint retrospective

gives scrum teams a structured framework for product development.

Scrum Process is Empirical

The Scrum Process is built on three pillars: Transparency. Inspection. Adaptation.

Transparency: Allows everybody involved in the product to have a clear and accurate understanding of the status of the work. To do that there must be open communication and collaboration.

Inspection: The cyclical nature of the Scrum Process allows for frequent inspections. The most important being the sprint review allowing input from all stakeholders.

Adaptatation: With the premis that the final product is not 100% specified at the start, adapability and the ability to respond to changing requirements is one of the true strengths of the Scrum Process.

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